Ok sign in and say hello! Write out one theorem that no one else has written. Then sign on again to see my comment.


Hopefully you will all get a chance to sign online.  Your assignment is to go to the following webpage: Go through and complete the first 15 proofs!  Yes I said 15.  Don’t worry.  You are just filling in the statement and reason columns.  So you will start with “Complementary Angles 1” and end with “Converse of Parallel Lines 5.”


Once you have completed these proofs online, come back to the blog and discuss which proof you thought was the easiest and which was the most difficult.


Now that you have done all 15 and written about 2 proofs respond to atleast one of your classmates if you agree of disagree on the proofs that they chose to talk about.  For example, maybe I found the first converse proof really difficult and did not really understand the logically sequence on how it was done and you thought it was the easiest one.  You would then share with me I why you thought it was one of the easiest ones.

Post any questions on how to complete the assignment as well.


Please do not wait  until Sunday night to do the 15 proofs because then that will not give your classmates times to respond.

We will pull up the blog on the projector in class on Monday to see everyones work.


If you see that a classmate has yet to post anything and you have a way to connect them … shoot them a friendly reminder.


  1. #1 by justin labounty on November 19, 2010 - 9:21 pm

    Hey, its Justin this is my theorem:
    Converse of alternate interior angles theorem

    • #2 by jesjessjesss on November 20, 2010 - 7:13 pm

      Write it out: If the alternate interior angles …..

  2. #3 by robert decker on November 19, 2010 - 9:24 pm

    Hi its Robert this is my theorem:
    Consecutive Interior Angles Converse

    • #4 by jesjessjesss on November 20, 2010 - 7:13 pm

      Write it out …. If the consecutive interior angles ….

  3. #5 by Kathryn on November 19, 2010 - 10:19 pm

    um…… if two lines are parallel, then the corresponding angles are equal. XD yaaaaaa i was the first one to post. 😉

    • #6 by jesjessjesss on November 20, 2010 - 7:14 pm


    • #7 by Ama on November 21, 2010 - 8:57 pm

      what theorem is that?

      • #8 by jesjessjesss on November 21, 2010 - 9:07 pm

        The corresponding angles theorem 🙂

  4. #9 by Kathryn on November 19, 2010 - 10:34 pm

    robert cant figure out how to do it so i’m posting his for him… 😛 lol
    Consecutive Interior Angles Converse
    If two lines are cut by a transversal so that consecutive interior angles are supplementary, then the lines are parallel.

    • #10 by jesjessjesss on November 20, 2010 - 7:15 pm

      What is Roberts issue?? When I first came to the page and I clicked reply it was coming up that I was responding as Robert!! How did he do that????

  5. #11 by justin labounty on November 20, 2010 - 5:12 pm

    this is the definition to my theorem:two lines and a transversal form alternate interior angles that are congruent,

    then the two lines are parallel.

    • #12 by jesjessjesss on November 20, 2010 - 7:16 pm

      Try that again. Make it a full sentence, ya know with a capital letter at the beginning and correct punctuation, like a period at the end.

  6. #13 by laura on November 21, 2010 - 12:50 am

    Hi, ya, so here I go… If the same-side interior angles are supplementary, then the two lines are parallel.

    • #14 by jesjessjesss on November 21, 2010 - 3:58 am

      This is actually the same theorem that Robert posted. It brings up a good point. “Same-side interior” is the same as saying “Consecutive interior” …. you can name the angles either way. Honestly, I always knew them as ‘consecutive interior” and not until we got the new text books had I ever seen them called “same-side” interior.

  7. #15 by laura on November 21, 2010 - 2:01 am

    Okay,well my brain hurts. So, well the first and second questions on parallel lines and the converse of parallel lines were painfully easy and elicited ” a well duh?” response on my part. Then came converse parallel lines number four-that one was very hard and took some time to do (why so many steps?!) In that problem there were to many things to keep track of and it took a while for the problem to flow logically. Some other questions I had some difficulty with were the first vertical angles question and the fourth parallel lines question. But either way I got them all right in the end.

    P.S. I know I wrote a lot. I’m Laura.
    P.S. (again:) We should do our homework online again.

  8. #16 by laura on November 21, 2010 - 5:59 pm

    Okay, round two. If two lines are parallel, then the alternate interior angles are equal.

  9. #17 by Kathryn on November 21, 2010 - 8:15 pm

    i agree with laura- #1 and #2 were very easy. there were a couple more easy questions too… especially the ones with only two steps… i loved those. 😉 parallel lines 4 and converse of parallel lines 3 were hard, but i had the most trouble with converse of parallel lines 4. why were converse of parallel lines 3 and 4 the same questions just with different choices?? that was annoying. 😛 lol and just wondering, what is the point of the reflexive steps? it seems really dumb to say that angle 4 = angle 4. 😛

    p.s. i agree with laura again… i liked doing it online 🙂

    • #18 by jesjessjesss on November 21, 2010 - 8:32 pm

      The point of reflexive is to help the proof to flow logically. If that information is not listed, you will not be able to follow the logic. Reflexive property will make more sense when we do proofs with triangles.

      • #19 by Ama on November 21, 2010 - 9:09 pm

        ok my turn… Perpendicular Transversal Theorem: In a plane, if a transversal is perpendicular to one of the two parallel lines, then its perpendicular to the other line.

  10. #20 by laura on November 21, 2010 - 9:07 pm

    Ya, I agree with Kathryn, the converse of parallel lines 3 and 4 were weird, and weren’t you trying to prove the same thing in both questions? Oh, and are the subtraction and addition axioms the same as the subtraction and addition property of equality? Before this assignment I had never heard of the subtraction and addition axioms.

    • #21 by jesjessjesss on November 21, 2010 - 9:09 pm

      Yes the axioms are the same. Unfortunately, there are so many names for the same reasons.

    • #22 by amabamma on November 22, 2010 - 3:42 am

      dude, number 4 was torcher!!! 3 was tricky….. 😛 they were the same thing just about, but 4 had a billion more steps.

  11. #23 by Ama on November 21, 2010 - 9:21 pm

    sis jess, do we just do the hmwk online? or do you want the work in our notebooks. will it save what we did online?

    • #24 by jesjessjesss on November 21, 2010 - 9:34 pm

      Just do it online, then come back here to the blog and talk about the proofs as well as respond to a classmate.

  12. #25 by Jesse Mazur on November 21, 2010 - 11:36 pm

    haha….i posted something on friday then i forgot about the assignment. thx to robert’s status tho i remembered. too bad its 6 30 on sunday night. so i have to do the questions and then respond to other peoples problems? i thought the homework was gonna be like “go on the blog and say hi.” hopefully someone logs on after church so they can respond to my post.

  13. #26 by Jesse Mazur on November 21, 2010 - 11:58 pm

    i couldnt get supplementary angles number 2. heres my postulate: If equal quantities are divided by equal nonzero quantities, the quotients are equal. (also Halves of equal quantities are equal.) This is the division postulate. 🙂

  14. #27 by amabamma on November 22, 2010 - 3:36 am

    ok well that wasn’t bad. the only one i had trouble with was converse of parallel lines 4. omg that was hard, i kept switching and guessing. took me about 5 or 6 tries. i was stumped on step 12,13,14, and 15 i couldn’t get them in the right order. and i don’t get y you need the reflexive- like Kath said. well i agree with Kathryn and Laura, steps one and two were super easy, so were the other ones with only 2 steps(ex. parallel lines 1&2), if you were really stupid you could figure those out easy by process of elimination. 😛 uh, lets see….. parallel lines 4 said ‘hard’, it wasn’t that difficult for me, just a little challenging. I’d give it a medium.
    for the vertical angles one, i wanted to use transitive property for reason 4 with the statement ❤ = <4, or <6 = <1, but none of those were choices. and how come it ended in substitution and not transitive? with parallel lines 3, reason 2, is it alternate interior angles theorem, or converse of the alternate interior angles theorem. and whats the difference between the two theorems?
    well Laura, don't feel bad, i typed a ton also. 😛 hehe. welp that's it. of course I'm the one who does it Sunday night. 😛

  15. #28 by Robert on November 22, 2010 - 10:21 pm

    Ik im not going to write as much as laura/ama but ill do my best!! these proofs were really not that hard the only hard one was converse of parallel lines 4, but we went over that in class so i understand that one now. and other than that i pretty much agree with everyone else!!! 🙂 and that is all i have to say!
    -Robert 😛

  16. #29 by Acacia Renée on November 23, 2010 - 12:16 am

    ok, so i did the questions now. like u, robert, that one was the only really hard one. the easiest ones were the 2-step parallel line proofs cuz all u had 2 do was pop in the given and then use the last statement and reason. DUH! anyway, i don’t c the post u put up 2day, sister jess. i saw u put it up in school and now, the “newest page” is this assignment i just did.

  17. #30 by Acacia Renée on November 23, 2010 - 12:18 am

    o ya! ummmm… if two lines are parallel, then the vertical angles are congruent!

    • #31 by Ama on November 23, 2010 - 2:52 am

      ur pic is an ugly one. 😛

  18. #32 by Acacia Renée on November 23, 2010 - 12:19 am

    sorry, gotta comment one more time cuz i 4got AGAIN 2 check the little box saying 2 notify me…

  19. #33 by yousun on November 23, 2010 - 2:24 am

    umm.. i did my hw// anyway! I like Paralle LInes and Converse of Paralle part// or complementary!! that was easy to me :D// and hard part was Smiliar triangle or Congruent triangle// i dont understand reason part and i dont know ASA and CPCTC word.. so that was hard to me! Specially Congruent Triangle 4// i have a lot of trouble with that

    • #34 by jesjessjesss on November 23, 2010 - 2:42 am

      You sun — you didn’t need to do all the proofs!! We haven’t learned them yet.

  20. #35 by yousun on November 23, 2010 - 2:33 am

    and I think Ama, Laura and Kathyn did good job 🙂

    • #36 by Ama on November 23, 2010 - 2:53 am

      thanks you sun! 😀 and btw i like your picture. you and i are the purple people!!!! 😀 yeah!

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